Innovative Solutions for Financial Inclusion: How Spindle Design is Using Human-Centred Design to Make Financial Services More Accessible

Innovative Solutions for Financial Inclusion: How Spindle Design is Using Human-Centred Design to Make Financial Services More Accessible

Financial inclusion is the cornerstone of economic empowerment and social well-being. It goes beyond mere access to financial services; it empowers individuals to manage their finances, grow their businesses, and improve their quality of life.

According to the World Bank, over 1.7 billion adults worldwide remain unbanked, lacking access to basic financial services. This means that they do not have a bank account, which can make it difficult to save for the future, start a business, or access essential services.

In developing countries, the problem of financial exclusion is even more severe. Only 54% of adults in developing countries have access to formal financial services. This means that nearly half of the adult population in developing countries is unable to access the financial services they need to improve their lives.

Women are disproportionately affected by financial exclusion. According to the World Bank, nearly a billion women worldwide are excluded from the financial system. This means that they are less likely to have a bank account, less likely to have access to credit, and less likely to be able to save for the future.

There are a number of factors that contribute to financial exclusion, including poverty, lack of education, and discrimination. However, there are also a number of innovative solutions that are being developed to address this problem. These solutions include mobile banking, microfinance, and digital payments.

Innovative Financial Inclusion Solutions in Kenya

Kenya has emerged as a hotbed for innovative financial inclusion solutions, driven by a thriving startup ecosystem and a forward-thinking regulatory environment. Some examples of groundbreaking solutions that startups can implement or have implemented in their businesses include:

  • Mobile Money Revolution

M-Pesa, the leading mobile money platform launched in Kenya, transformed the way people manage their finances. Through M-Pesa, individuals can send and receive money, pay bills, and access a range of financial services using their mobile phones. Startups can explore similar mobile money platforms to reach the unbanked and underserved populations.

  • Digital Lending Platforms

In Kenya, digital lending platforms like Tala and Branch have disrupted traditional lending models. By leveraging alternative data sources and mobile technology, these platforms provide quick and accessible loans to individuals who lack a formal credit history. Startups can adopt similar approaches to offer microloans and bridge the credit gap for underserved communities.

  • Agri-Fintech Solutions

Agriculture plays a vital role in Kenya's economy, and innovative agri-fintech solutions have facilitated access to financial services for farmers. Startups can develop digital platforms that connect farmers with financial institutions, enabling them to access credit, insurance, and market information.

Design Thinking for Financial Inclusion

Design thinking and human-centred design (HCD) methodologies can drive the development of inclusive solutions. Here's how startups can apply these principles:

  1. User Research: Conduct in-depth research to understand the unique needs, challenges, and aspirations of underserved communities. This knowledge will guide the design of tailored solutions that address their specific requirements.
  2. Simplify User Interfaces: Create intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for digital solutions. Keep in mind that many users may have limited digital literacy or access to technology. Simplicity and ease of use are crucial for inclusive financial services.

Spindle Design: How we use HCD to Make Financial Services More Accessible

Spindle Design is a design firm that specialises in human-centred design. We believe that the best way to create innovative solutions for financial inclusion is to start by understanding the needs of the people who are most excluded from the financial system.

One of the ways we do this is through ethnographic research. We spend time with people in underserved communities, learning about their financial needs and challenges. We also talk to financial service providers to understand their constraints and opportunities.

Once we have a deep understanding of the problem, we begin to design solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of the people we are serving. We use a variety of design methods, including prototypes, user testing, and visualisation.

We have worked on a number of innovative solutions for financial inclusion, including:

  1. MomCare - a digital financial solution that enables pregnant women to access quality and affordable healthcare.
  2. Financial service associations (FSAs) - membership-based financial institutions that offer credit, savings and transactional services.

These are just a few examples of the innovative solutions that Spindle Design is developing to help make financial services more accessible to everyone.

Empowering Through Education

Financial literacy is a key component of financial inclusion. Startups can contribute to this cause by providing educational resources and interactive tools that equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to make informed financial decisions. From basic financial literacy courses to mobile apps that promote responsible financial management, these initiatives unlock the full potential of inclusive financial services.

The path to financial inclusion is paved with innovation, empathy, and collaboration. By embracing design thinking, startups have the power to create transformative solutions that bridge the financial divide.

Spindle Design is committed to using human-centred design to create innovative solutions for financial inclusion. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to build a better future for themselves and their families.

If you are interested in learning more about our work, please visit our website or contact us via email at